Smoothie time! In this recent blog post I shared a very high level list of things I’m prioritizing in order to rebalance my hormones. While I’m no doctor, I think if all women did some quick research abut hormone imbalance, most of us would discover that daily struggles like skin issues, digestion issues, lack of energy, time of the month symptoms, bloating, weight gain, brain fog, irritability etc. could be pin pointed their. While I personally don’t/haven’t had faced of those, they are just some of the symptoms I’ve read about during my research that can be a direct cause from whacked out hormones.
After the foundation of removing my IUD, I’ve been focusing on eating whole foods that come from Mother Nature, not processed/a bag and adding in superfoods wherever I can! I wasn’t really a junk food eater before, but I reduced the snacks that crept back into my pantry and dropped the frequency of summer time treats.
I swapped them out for alternatives that provide greater nutrients and my body digests easier… like carrot slices and cucumbers instead of tortillas for my guac, watermelon or berries instead of frozen yogurt and raw almonds for a snack instead of yogurt. While I’m not doing a Whole 30 round right now, I’d say 99% of what I’m eating falls into this because this is where my body and mind feel the most fulfilled and thrive!
I’m shocked at the transformation my body has gone through in just eleven days! I’m so much happier in my skin and feeling like myself mentally and physically and it’s only been a little over a week! I’ll share more on that in a future blog post if you want.
All that to say, one thing I know for SURE is that my body was in a constant struggle of irritability from my IUD. My abdomen was frequently bloated and I think this was my body trying to tell me that it simply didn’t like the foreign device. Constant inflammation was my body trying to send me a single.. that I finally caught on to 2 years later.
So what is body inflammation?
Inflammation is the body’s response to injury and irritation. The body uses inflammation as a way to signal the immune system to heal damaged tissue, as well as defend itself against foreign invaders, such as viruses and bacteria.. and probably actual foreign, plastic objects in your Cervix? Hmmm…..
Foods that can cause likely inflammation are:
processed meatssugary drink
trans fats, found in fried foods
white bread
white pasta
soybean oil and vegetable oil
processed snack foods, like chips and crackers
Foods that help ease inflammation are:
Fatty fish
Green tea
Raw almonds
70%+ cocoa dark chocolate
An easy way to get in these foods are through a smoothie. I’ve created an anti-inflammatory green smoothie that seems to be getting the job done!
Note: this smoothie doesn’t take like rainbows and butterflies, especially if you’re not into green smoothies just yet. This smoothie is for the person that is focused on the nutrients rather than having it taste like a fruity concoction. If you’re used to strawberry banana smoothies, which are very fruit heavy and sweet, this may not be the one for you to jump in with lol. I personally enjoy the taste and find it refreshing, but have been drinking green smoothies for years.
Mindy’s Anti-inflammatory Smoothie
- 1 cup almond milk
- 1/2 a cup cold water, more as need depending on fresh vs powder for remaining ingredients
- 1/2 a cup frozen kale or spinach.
- 1/2 a cup frozen avocado
- 1 inch fresh ginger or 1 tsp powder
- 1 tsp maca powder
- 1 tsp ground flaxseed
- 1 tsp Moon Juice Dust
- 1 inch fresh turmeric or 1 tsp powder
- 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1 tbs chia seeds
- Blend all ingredients together in a blender except for the turmeric
- Once all blended, pour into a glass cup
- Stir in turmeric
- And enjoy!
Since turmeric, whether fresh or powdered, can stain plastic, I opt to not add it to my blender which has a plastic jug, as most do. I instead add it once my smoothie is in the glass drinking cup.
For my green smoothie lovers, let me know how you like this!